About Me

Hey there, parents! I’m Xenia, a mom of three, and a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant with a passion for helping parents and their children to sleep amazing.
I give parents the knowledge and guidance they need to help their babies and toddlers sleep through the night, nap longer and thrive!
I’ve been in your shoes before, exhausted and confused about how to get my oldest son who was a baby at the time, to sleep better. It seemed like all the online searches and sleep books in the world didn’t help!
Working with a baby and toddler sleep trainer changed my life. My then 5-month-old son, went from multiple night wakings and short naps, to sleeping through the night and long naps, and I felt like a human being again, ready to conquer motherhood and life.
I became immersed in children’s sleep after my family’s sleep success story, went on to earn my pediatric sleep certification, and have been working with clients ever since.
One of my favorite things about my job is the parent reactions to their child’s sleep results a few days into sleep training. I read messages from my clients in the morning and after naps, and they are overflowing with disbelief and joy. Parents message me with things like, “he fell asleep on his own without a peep!” or “she slept through the night!” or “they napped 2 hours straight!” It’s a great feeling for the parents, children and myself as their sleep coach, to see the progress.
I walk alongside parents who share with me their greatest anxieties and concerns during some of their darkest days, then after working together, these parents share with me their optimism about being a mom or dad, the ability to be in the “moment” with their little ones, their newfound excitement surrounding bedtime, date nights they can now plan with their partner, a relief from marital stress, reduced anxiety, testimonials about their children who were previously picky eaters then became great eaters, stories about how their child used to be quickly distressed, but after getting sleep, became more calm and content.
The sleep success stories are endless. It is my pleasure to help and continue to help parents all over the world, through phone consultation, email and message support.
It is possible for quality sleep to be restored in your children and entire family, no matter how difficult of a sleeper you think your child is. There is always a solution!
Please feel free to reach out to me. You don’t need to feel this tired all of the time. Our children are only this little, for a little while. Let’s enjoy them to the fullest!
– Xenia
Wife to Eric, mom of Warren, Emmet, and Mabel